Urmila Koyira


I love to solve problems. Whether it's an elegant line of code or figuring out the best aesthetic that is pleasing to the eye. Take a look some samples of my work and contact me for more information.

  • Generic placeholder image
    Click the image to see this app in action. It's a data collection tool for your car needs. Is it time for an oil change or tire rotation? Use this application to keep track of your maintenance and repairs.

    Technoligies utilized: jQuery, API calls, Axios, Sequelize, Handlebars, Bootstrap

  • Generic placeholder image
    Click the image to see an app that lets you pull music information using the spotify API. This is view only as the Spotify API is a 60 minute token.

    Technoligies utilized: Bootstrap, API calls, Axios, Firebase, JavaScript

  • Generic placeholder image
    Click the image to search midpoint distances between two locations for points of interest.

    Technoligies utilized: Material UI, npm, Node.js, React.js, JavaScript, Express.js, Google API, MongoDB